Welcome to the website of the Bath Unitarian Fellowship
Welcome to the website of the Bath Unitarian Fellowship. We hope that exploring this site will tell you something of our faith - why we call ourselves Unitarian - and our style of worship. If it seems like something that might be for you, please get in touch or come to one of our services. The latest edition of our newsletter Fellow Seekers, is here
The next service will be on Sunday 23 February, led by Judy Ryde and her theme will be 'Inspirational People'.
You are welcome to gather from around 10.45, for coffee and other refreshment, before the service at 11.15. On this occasion it will be followed by a shared lunch (please bring a contribution) and a congregational meeting.
For services further ahead, please see the Services and events page for more information.
The next service will be on Sunday 23 February, led by Judy Ryde and her theme will be 'Inspirational People'.
You are welcome to gather from around 10.45, for coffee and other refreshment, before the service at 11.15. On this occasion it will be followed by a shared lunch (please bring a contribution) and a congregational meeting.
For services further ahead, please see the Services and events page for more information.
'For pure religion, the glory of God and the happiness of humankind'
These words are taken from the inscription on the foundation stone of the former Marshfield Unitarian meeting house with which the Bath Unitarian Church has had close links over the centuries.
Bath Unitarian Fellowship services are informal and simple but structured. They are led by a volunteer each month who acts as worship coordinator on a set theme and they comprise short readings, prayers, hymns and music, interspersed with contributions from members of the congregation on the theme of the service. These contributions can include readings, poems, thoughts and music, but no-one need think they need bring anything other than themselves and their willingness to listen to others.
What does Unitarian worship mean? Services are Unitarian in that worship is directed simply to the One God - while recognising the great range of understandings of the word ‘God’. Thus services are also Unitarian in that adherence to a creed or statement of belief is not required - you do not have to be a Unitarian to participate fully in Unitarian worship. And services are Unitarian in that doubt is an option and being willing to ask questions is as important as knowing answers. So if you are looking for a spiritual outlook that offers certainty and values uniformity, you may wish to worship elsewhere.
Bath Unitarian Fellowship services are informal and simple but structured. They are led by a volunteer each month who acts as worship coordinator on a set theme and they comprise short readings, prayers, hymns and music, interspersed with contributions from members of the congregation on the theme of the service. These contributions can include readings, poems, thoughts and music, but no-one need think they need bring anything other than themselves and their willingness to listen to others.
What does Unitarian worship mean? Services are Unitarian in that worship is directed simply to the One God - while recognising the great range of understandings of the word ‘God’. Thus services are also Unitarian in that adherence to a creed or statement of belief is not required - you do not have to be a Unitarian to participate fully in Unitarian worship. And services are Unitarian in that doubt is an option and being willing to ask questions is as important as knowing answers. So if you are looking for a spiritual outlook that offers certainty and values uniformity, you may wish to worship elsewhere.